How to Book and Choose a Plan

QR codes to download the Brooklyn Hourly Offices app for iOS or Android.

Step 1

Download the Brooklyn Hourly Offices app. Point your phone camera at the QR code for your device type, iOS or Android.
QR codes to download the Brooklyn Hourly Offices app for iOS or Android.

Step 2

Create an account and pick a plan. If you just want to check us out choose the Free Drop-In Plan.

Step 3

Respond to our email request for your business credentials. Once approved, finish creating your account.

Step 4

Book a room or make changes to your account on the app.

Step 5

Familiarize yourself with our polices and the app.

Step 6

Tap the Lock button on the App to unlock your office door at reservation time.

Step 7

Enjoy the office/ Get work done.

Step 8

Clean up after yourself, and lock door behind you for the next user.